Monday, 23 April 2012

More Facebook Issues

Aah Facebook.
Facey B.

I'm sorry to have to tell you this but I think we're going to have to go on a break if you don't buck up your ideas. I'm spending far too much time with you its such a distraction. I mean you're very attractive to me and I just can't stop myself coming back for more. While I have a dissertation to do, it may be for the best...

You allow us to needlessly 'facestalk' someone's cousin's husband's hot younger brother of a friend from primary school, for example, while simultaneously allowing others to stalk me. Of course Facebook friends aren't real friends either, there may be some people you have as 'friends' that blatantly ignore you in real life or do that 'oh I've got her on Facebook but don't really know her so I'll just become intensely interested in my fingernail until she goes past' thing.

Facebook allows people to stay in touch with people without actually seeing them. I went for drinks with friends from school a few weeks ago and one guy Luke told me we'd not actually seen each other since 2009 when I thought it was only a few months! I was so shocked but I thought I'd seen him because I'd read all about it already!

Facebook 'expects' us to be perfect too. I mean there's no dislike button for example, nothing should be disliked, and there's always a really awkward moment when someone becomes single, or airs dirty laundry or puts a sad face as a status. Of course I agree that certain things should stay private but it encourages us to display ourselves as stress free, life-loving, amazingly beautiful people who go out all the time and take lots of pictures etc etc etc. Nobody is like this all the time!

I also hate Farmville requests, notifications that someone has passed levels 32,33,AND 34 of Bra Strap Pinger 3000 or some other crap game within a half hour time period, invites to events in somewhere like Bristol from the 'friends' who ignore me in real life (see above - yes I will TOTALLY come to Bristol with 3000 strangers to some random club that has shit music),   a news-feed clogged up that looks like this:
- 7.55am OMG. Just woke up
- 8.03am Cornflake time!
-8.20am Lost my favourite hair bobble FML
-8.47am Bus fare gone up by 3p WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO???

F*** off! Aaaaand unsubscribe. At least that's one redeeming quality.

Facebook has become like a comfortable relationship. Really annoying sometimes but you know you still want it in your life despite all the bad habits it makes you aware of over time. Timeline was akin to a questionable haircut for example but you just get used to it in the end I suppose.

Hmm will I give it up? I'll see...

1 comment:

  1. This is brilliant, very true and yet I find myself unable to give up facebook. Liv I think I have a problem :( hahahaha


    Nessie x
