I hope everyone had a great Easter, and that the Christians
among you enjoyed your Risen Lord, whilst the rest of us enjoyed our chocolate!

I’ve freshened up my room since loans came in with owls,
telephone boxes and Florence posters. Not actual owls and phone boxes, I mean
to say there are 3 separate posters!

Oh and I'm also going through another 'what shall I do with my hair' dilemma. I can just see Emily rolling her eyes now! I might just go and buy some decent extensions and go longer because I'm sick of waiting for it to grow, 3 years is dedication!
Maybe I should get on with wolfing down my Easter Eggs
instead of making myself sound more insecure than I actually am with my weight
issues, hair dilemmas and clothes buying? NOMNOMNOM
Yes I ate lamb yesterday, and mmmm it was G-O-O-D!
And I'm still waiting for my Hogwarts letter.
great post!