No, I don't mean the actual fish m'hearties!
I'm on about a band who I was introduced to by one of its members, lets call him 'grandmasta X' for shits and giggles, when he was giving out CDs on a night out in Leeds outside Milo about 8 months ago now! I wasn't actually going there, but promised him I'd listen to their stuff anyway and its still on my ancient iPod classic circa 2007.
His band are called CATFISH AND THE BOTTLEMEN and you should totally go and check them out. This guy was dead good craic as I'm sure the rest of them are and its always nice to see someone passionate about what they do, so instead of chucking the CD away like I might have done on a usual night out when being handed stuff I gave them a listen.
They're unsigned as far as I know, but deserve to be signed in my opinion! They're sorta indie/rock and roll and really catchy and you can find lots of their stuff on Youtube so give it a swirly whirl!
They've just got a new single out called Brokenarmy released April 23rd and here's the link to the video: watch itttttt!
They're catchy as hell and will be a welcome addition to your iTunes just check them out and spread the love :) Your ears will be chuffed to bits.
Friday, 27 April 2012
Monday, 23 April 2012
More Facebook Issues
Aah Facebook.
Facey B.
I'm sorry to have to tell you this but I think we're going to have to go on a break if you don't buck up your ideas. I'm spending far too much time with you its such a distraction. I mean you're very attractive to me and I just can't stop myself coming back for more. While I have a dissertation to do, it may be for the best...
You allow us to needlessly 'facestalk' someone's cousin's husband's hot younger brother of a friend from primary school, for example, while simultaneously allowing others to stalk me. Of course Facebook friends aren't real friends either, there may be some people you have as 'friends' that blatantly ignore you in real life or do that 'oh I've got her on Facebook but don't really know her so I'll just become intensely interested in my fingernail until she goes past' thing.
Facebook allows people to stay in touch with people without actually seeing them. I went for drinks with friends from school a few weeks ago and one guy Luke told me we'd not actually seen each other since 2009 when I thought it was only a few months! I was so shocked but I thought I'd seen him because I'd read all about it already!
Facebook 'expects' us to be perfect too. I mean there's no dislike button for example, nothing should be disliked, and there's always a really awkward moment when someone becomes single, or airs dirty laundry or puts a sad face as a status. Of course I agree that certain things should stay private but it encourages us to display ourselves as stress free, life-loving, amazingly beautiful people who go out all the time and take lots of pictures etc etc etc. Nobody is like this all the time!
I also hate Farmville requests, notifications that someone has passed levels 32,33,AND 34 of Bra Strap Pinger 3000 or some other crap game within a half hour time period, invites to events in somewhere like Bristol from the 'friends' who ignore me in real life (see above - yes I will TOTALLY come to Bristol with 3000 strangers to some random club that has shit music), a news-feed clogged up that looks like this:
- 7.55am OMG. Just woke up
- 8.03am Cornflake time!
-8.20am Lost my favourite hair bobble FML
-8.47am Bus fare gone up by 3p WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO???
F*** off! Aaaaand unsubscribe. At least that's one redeeming quality.
Facebook has become like a comfortable relationship. Really annoying sometimes but you know you still want it in your life despite all the bad habits it makes you aware of over time. Timeline was akin to a questionable haircut for example but you just get used to it in the end I suppose.
Hmm will I give it up? I'll see...
Facey B.
I'm sorry to have to tell you this but I think we're going to have to go on a break if you don't buck up your ideas. I'm spending far too much time with you its such a distraction. I mean you're very attractive to me and I just can't stop myself coming back for more. While I have a dissertation to do, it may be for the best...
You allow us to needlessly 'facestalk' someone's cousin's husband's hot younger brother of a friend from primary school, for example, while simultaneously allowing others to stalk me. Of course Facebook friends aren't real friends either, there may be some people you have as 'friends' that blatantly ignore you in real life or do that 'oh I've got her on Facebook but don't really know her so I'll just become intensely interested in my fingernail until she goes past' thing.
Facebook allows people to stay in touch with people without actually seeing them. I went for drinks with friends from school a few weeks ago and one guy Luke told me we'd not actually seen each other since 2009 when I thought it was only a few months! I was so shocked but I thought I'd seen him because I'd read all about it already!
Facebook 'expects' us to be perfect too. I mean there's no dislike button for example, nothing should be disliked, and there's always a really awkward moment when someone becomes single, or airs dirty laundry or puts a sad face as a status. Of course I agree that certain things should stay private but it encourages us to display ourselves as stress free, life-loving, amazingly beautiful people who go out all the time and take lots of pictures etc etc etc. Nobody is like this all the time!
I also hate Farmville requests, notifications that someone has passed levels 32,33,AND 34 of Bra Strap Pinger 3000 or some other crap game within a half hour time period, invites to events in somewhere like Bristol from the 'friends' who ignore me in real life (see above - yes I will TOTALLY come to Bristol with 3000 strangers to some random club that has shit music), a news-feed clogged up that looks like this:
- 7.55am OMG. Just woke up
- 8.03am Cornflake time!
-8.20am Lost my favourite hair bobble FML
-8.47am Bus fare gone up by 3p WHAT IS THE WORLD COMING TO???
F*** off! Aaaaand unsubscribe. At least that's one redeeming quality.
Facebook has become like a comfortable relationship. Really annoying sometimes but you know you still want it in your life despite all the bad habits it makes you aware of over time. Timeline was akin to a questionable haircut for example but you just get used to it in the end I suppose.
Hmm will I give it up? I'll see...
Monday, 16 April 2012
Rants from a Waitress
So, I’m a waitress and have been for about 5 years. Over
this time I’ve noticed certain things about my job and how waitressing is seen
in this country and by customers I’ve come into contact with.
The first thing is that waitressing isn’t generally seen as
a career, it seems to be a stop gap for many people – something to get some
money through college or uni, or before something better comes along. Customers
always seem to ask if I’m ‘just a Saturday girl’, or where and what I do at uni
etc. For many of us, a stop gap is exactly what it is, myself included. That
doesn’t mean I don’t give a shit though. I do care that I do it right.
I mean, so many people have an attitude that just because you
aren’t fulfilling your ultimate career goals in the here and now, that it doesn’t
matter. There’s nothing wrong with living for the weekend, or wanting to do
something else with your life, but what I really hate is the assumption that many people have about waiters and waitresses:
- You are stupid
- You don't care
The first one, this infuriates me so much! When the
49 Diner tables are full, there may be as many as 200 people seated at any one
time. Given that there are usually only 5 people in charge of the 4 sections,
theoretically, each of these 5 people is responsible for about 40 people. Of
course, managers and other staff from the bar or runners can chip in but the
point I’m trying to make is that there is a lot to juggle and a great deal to
remember (when 12 people on a table all order different things, change their
minds and juggle things around and then get mad when you can’t remember what
Victor was having when setting their cutlery). If you didn’t serve Victor’s table
and come over with the food, lets say it’s a pizza, and you say ‘Pizza?’ and
Victor says, ‘oh yeah that’s for Marjorie’ then goes back talking to Kenneth,
how the fuck do I know who Marjorie is??? I was not briefed with their passport
photos before they all came in, nor am I psychic, I mean they thought I was
stupid a moment ago! And anyone can do a job but when you’re carrying 5 plates
with hypermobility in your fingers (v painful!!), with a cheque to put on,
someone has a disproportionate amount of froth to milk on their cappuccino,
another person would like some mayonnaise, and then someone from a section you
aren’t responsible for comes up and says how rude you are for not taking their
order when you have your own section with 3 orders still to take it can be
difficult to smile and apologise for ‘your’ mistake all whilst wearing a tshirt that looks a dog with a sagging breast problem.
I’m not saying that the customer is always wrong to pester a
waitress, I mean they certainly deserve a certain level of customer service and
I’m happy to do my job and do it well, but sometimes there can be customers
that are just plain rude.
A situation like that requires emotional intelligence to be
able to turn disgruntled people into happy people, and make them like you, so
that they might speak to you a bit more nicely the next time you pop over to
ask them if everything is ok. Unless you treat them like this.....
or this is the person that made their salad, then chances are that they'll be happy anyway!
You also need to be able to prioritise things and
foresee potential problems that could arise and even if you can see shortcuts
through things, you have to do things the way your manager wants to stop a
bollocking from taking place.
Basically, to be an effective waiter/waitress you have to become
the customer’s bitch. If they’re ridiculously rude I actually find it more
effective to profusely apologise with a massive smile on my face and deal with
the problem ASAP rather than be rude back even a tiny little bit. That way,
they’re more likely to feel bad and also like you for being so nice and lay off
a bit which is exactly what you need on a busy day. Basically by acting like a
pushover you get what you want, so technically you win every time!
I don’t really want to have to be someone’s bitch over a
lasagne or bottle of ketchup, clean spat out banana out of the crevices of a
highchair, or move hundreds of bottles in and out of fridges all day, be
click-summoned by extremely rude rich men (like I’m some sort of slave woman!),
or smile at a child’s mother as I clean their cherub's vomit off the floor, but
I do work hard in my job and it annoys me that many people assume waitresses
are lazy and stupid and are destined to be lazy and stupid forever given that
they ‘are just waitresses’.
I think everyone should be a waitress/waiter before they
move on to their desired career. It really teaches you a lot about respect and
courtesy for other people, and I’m always nice to them when I go to other
places. And always leave a tip!
Friday, 13 April 2012
21 Things I've Learned In 21 Years
- You can't be good at everything
- First impressions aren’t always correct
- Being a ‘grown up’ doesn’t have to be boring
- Always treat everyone you meet with unconditional respect
- Allow yourself time to feel happiness, sadness and everything in between
- Sometimes you can’t fix it and you have to let go
- Stop asking ‘what if’ and focus on ‘what is’
- You’ll never stop needing your family, perhaps just in new capacities
- Losing touch with an old friend doesn’t mean you or the other person did anything wrong
- Never forget the times you made yourself proud
- Time really does make all things better
- When you feel motivated just power through because most of the rest of the time you won’t be!
- Step out of your comfort zone. It may be the best thing for you!
- Everyone else is just another person, who has the same doubts, fears and concerns that you do. Never let anyone treat you as though they are above you and don’t fear anyone on the basis that you “aren’t as good”
- People deserve second chances, very few deserve a third
- Intelligence will not take you as far as kindness and humility does
- Always look forward
- To get from A to B, you might have to visit C, D and E first
- If you get your heart broken you will get over it, and find happiness with someone new
- Life is precious - don't waste it
- Acknowledging you were wrong can put things right
Some of these are easy lessons and some are hard ones, but I
think most people can relate to this list in some way, shape or form!
Monday, 9 April 2012
Easter, posters, bee stings and hair issues.
I hope everyone had a great Easter, and that the Christians
among you enjoyed your Risen Lord, whilst the rest of us enjoyed our chocolate!

I’ve freshened up my room since loans came in with owls,
telephone boxes and Florence posters. Not actual owls and phone boxes, I mean
to say there are 3 separate posters!

Oh and I'm also going through another 'what shall I do with my hair' dilemma. I can just see Emily rolling her eyes now! I might just go and buy some decent extensions and go longer because I'm sick of waiting for it to grow, 3 years is dedication!
Maybe I should get on with wolfing down my Easter Eggs
instead of making myself sound more insecure than I actually am with my weight
issues, hair dilemmas and clothes buying? NOMNOMNOM
Yes I ate lamb yesterday, and mmmm it was G-O-O-D!
And I'm still waiting for my Hogwarts letter.
Sunday, 8 April 2012
Confidence Rollercoaster
Confidence is something we’d all love to have and is often
listed in desired qualities for a partner, employee, or friend. However, it can
be more complicated than it may at first seem.
We can have confidence in different things including ourselves, the outcome of a situation, or in expectations of other people.
We all go through periods of doubt in our abilities, but
that does not mean we aren’t confident people in normal circumstances. Perhaps
leading up to an exam we may feel overwhelmed, or before a date we might worry
if they’ll like us. These are unusual circumstances compared to the other everyday stuff we engage with, and questioning our confidence isn't necessarily a bad thing, it can be very healthy.
However there are also people who may come across as
overconfident or arrogant in their abilities, so there is clearly a huge spectrum of what ‘confident’ encompasses, and given
that underconfidence and overconfidence are generally speaking not ideal, it
may appear that a happy medium is the most desirable.
Of course, you’d be hard pressed to find someone who entirely
encompassed either one of the two extremes. Most of us are loosely speaking just
chilling out in the middle. At times when we sway too far one way or the other,
we can usually count on those we are close to give us a kick up the bum.
times when I see my friends or family losing their self confidence my heart absolutely
goes out to them because I know to some extent how they must be feeling and usually I'll know how to boost their confidence. I think its a natural thing to just want to help them. However, when those we feel close to may
appear to be overconfident, there are times when this can be a front and they
may be hiding their true feelings. At times like this it can be hard to do the
right thing in helping them because by telling them they’re overconfident you
might knock the confidence of someone whose level of confidence wasn’t actually
that high in the first place. All you can do is be there for that person or
those people and help each other keep on the straight and narrow. Usually one
of you will stop crying long enough to get the other one through their
challenges and vice versa. What a rollercoaster!
Monday, 2 April 2012
Utilitarian Fuckups.
What is it that makes us who we are?
That’s such a massive question and its something that there
isn’t a definitive answer to. Of course many people will look at culture and
social norms and the people around them as answers to who they are. I think
that really this dodges the question as it looks to external sources to
understand the internal self but that’s only my opinion.
How do we know that we really are who we are, because within
a week we could be someone who feels completely different. Situations change
people for better or worse and bit by bit people are changed from naivety into
knowing something more about themselves, other people, and learn lessons that
are important for the future.
In deep conversations with my Dad, which happen a hell of a
lot more than they used to, (maybe its just we understand each other more now I’m
older?) he always says that in his head he still feels the same as he did as in
his twenties, just that everything around him has changed, which has led me to
believe that maybe there is some essential quality to each person that remains
thoughout life. Ironically, knowing you’re naïve makes you not naïve, but then
we are, so it kind of goes round in a circle.
People do things when they’re young that older people may
see as unwise or irresponsible and in time, that person may come to the same
conclusion. I know some people in my family may frown upon several of the
things I do and have done, but its my life. I don’t mean that in the typical
rebellious way, I just mean that if I only did everything the older generation endorsed
I wouldn’t be living my life but theirs. People have to be allowed to express
themselves in a way that will not hurt others but allows them to speak their
mind and be who they are. If you know what you’re doing and have rationalised
the consequences of your actions and it won’t hurt yourself or others then
chances are it’s the right thing to do. Jeremy Bentham and John Stuart Mill you
influential bastards, you've infiltrated my midnight ramblings!
Of course sometimes people mess up and do the wrong thing,
guilty as charged as we all are at some point. We don't always think rationally because emotions aren't rational. Sometimes we think we've worked out exactly what will happen and it just doesn't work out like that.The thing is that I don’t think
that who someone is is a simple thing, and just because someone makes an error
of judgement doesn’t make them essentially bad, it makes them just like everyone
else. Unless you’re like Hitler, chances are you’re alright really.
No one individual
thing should define a person because how can you know the full picture of
someone’s life and that situation except that individual? Assuming otherwise
can bring no good, rather like assuming you heard right in Chinese Whispers,
because you’ll only come out at the end looking the daft one who misheard the
message and passed on that you’ve tried your mother’s knickers on instead of ‘I
lied, I put the kettle on’ or whatever.
I know there are people who don’t like
me from various points in my life be it school, uni, or jobs etc and I know I don’t
like other people. Its only when you start to think about it that it bothers
you, I mean if you get 100 people to say something about you and 99 people say
you’re great, chances are that you’ll focus on the 1 person who said something negative
about you. It seems to be that we just work that way. Maybe we aren’t meant to
like everybody and vice versa because there are enough people in the world to
build strong friendships and relationships with to not have to bother making
everyone like you.
No one should let one experience, physical or emotional
trait, sexuality, image or person define them because all this stuff is just
part of a person’s life and its so easy to forget the bigger picture of who you
really are. When things seem all consuming, even when it’s a happy thing
(because its not always a sad thing) it is so important to not let it consume
you so that you retain that ‘thing’ of what makes you you. What I say isn’t
about me telling others what to do, half the time its just me writing to myself
if I’m honest! I don’t want anyone to think I’m self important because that’s exactly
not what I’m trying to be. Sometimes I think my blog is useful to read back
when I lose myself a bit so I write it for me although its nice when other
people read it too.
I don’t want to change for anyone, or anything, (of course
beyond reasonable things like walking your bloke’s dog as a favour, or trying a
new pub etc) because I’m essentially happy with who I am, but my mistakes have always
kept me grounded because if I thought I was perfect I’d be disappointed every
week. Thinking about it that’s one of the things about myself I would hate to
lose the most.
Sunday, 1 April 2012
Short & Sweet
Last night, me and Emily went out to Leeds, just the two of us, which we've never done before.
We danced our flats off, sang our throats raw, shook our bootays and I spent the last of the money to my name as earned on Friday night when babysitting. It was fine for Emily who has her loan already, devastated!
We said that we both feel dead happy and just good in general, and this was before the drinks even started flowing in Hedders. For once I actually feel like things are back to normal for good this time and not until another set of excrement enters my life.
I can't wait to get my loan through! I have a list of things to purchase, not least booking our girls holiday with destination to be confirmed. If things go to plan then I'll hopefully have passed my driving test soon too! But not before Miss W! I also need to book a karaoke night at some point.
P.S. We miss our missing housemates its too quiet here!
Oh and happy birthday to Aluuuurrn aka Dad who is 51 today, the massive legend. :)
We danced our flats off, sang our throats raw, shook our bootays and I spent the last of the money to my name as earned on Friday night when babysitting. It was fine for Emily who has her loan already, devastated!
We said that we both feel dead happy and just good in general, and this was before the drinks even started flowing in Hedders. For once I actually feel like things are back to normal for good this time and not until another set of excrement enters my life.
I can't wait to get my loan through! I have a list of things to purchase, not least booking our girls holiday with destination to be confirmed. If things go to plan then I'll hopefully have passed my driving test soon too! But not before Miss W! I also need to book a karaoke night at some point.
P.S. We miss our missing housemates its too quiet here!
Oh and happy birthday to Aluuuurrn aka Dad who is 51 today, the massive legend. :)
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