Friday, 23 March 2012


So.... you may as well resign yourselves to the fact that I will be writing about music at some point in the near future, I just keep thinking of other things that I want to talk about.

This last week or so, I've done things I've not done in ages, like get a new piercing, spent loads on clothes and spoiling myself, and dyed my hair a weird colour. I'm planning a new tattoo but its going to need a fair bit of thought. I'd forgotten that old side to me that had weird hair and got piercings really, but I quite liked it. I'm completely different in many ways to the version of myself that arrived at uni almost 3 years ago, but I'm so much the same. At the same time, whilst my hair is pink at the ends and I still have sprinklings of ink and metal, I look different to the first time I did it.

Throughout my journey through uni I'd like to say I've been as positive as I can be, because that's how I feel most of the time. As mentioned in previous posts, I have seen first hand what a lifetime of negativity brings to someone and those around them (again, as I said before, no one of my generation, or even the one above that) and I have promised myself I will never be negative if I can be positive about something. I don't like complaining about stuff, and luckily for me I have little to complain about. I realise that complaining about people that complain is something of a contradiction but I hope I'll be forgiven!

I have a fair bit of work to complete still, but its a degree! I knew it would be hard, and wallowing will get me nowhere except depressed about it. I'd rather have a workload, than a workload and stress about the workload. Come back to me in a month and I'll tell you crap it is then! Haha!

The first part to this year has not been the best, but I've felt swish today. Maybe purple hair does something to your head? I've got spring fever or something, not like an illness, but excited about spring and the baby chickens and lambs and the easter Bunny and the weather and all that. And speculating about our summer plans including holidays, can't wait!

I'm sooooo looking forward to the weekend, I'm seeing my sister tomorrow who is arguably the best friend I've ever had, no one knows me so well, and its my Grandma's 80th birthday tomorrow, I have a holiday off work for it, and will see all the family. Can't freaking wait!!!

Key points: Keep smiling, silence the whining.

Oh and this is me and one of my cousins, we've all had a nice little evening!

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