Friday, 16 March 2012

10 Years Time

I’m not going to discuss the elephant in the room, it’s a waste of my energy, and as I’ve said I’m not going to talk about it, I’m actually going to stay true to my word.

So today, me and the girls went to Headingley and I decided to get a new piercing just as you do! It’s a lobe piercing but slightly further up if you know what I mean? It still doesn’t really hurt but I know it will kill like a beast in the morning, just in time for work, lovely!!

We were talking in the pub about what we’ll be doing in 10 years and about what we’ll be doing, where we’ll be living, who we’ll be with, if we’ll have kids yet and all that jazz. We basically settled on the fact that seeing as so much can change in just one year, that we have basically no idea what it will be like, but its still fun to speculate! Rosie will be a star in the West End, Emily will be teaching indigenous tribes people about Buddhism in Australia, and I‘ll have released an album under a pseudonym, but be teaching on the side. Of course, this is all speculation we don't actually have a clue what we'll be doing except for probably teaching, maybe?

Perhaps I‘ll be better at getting up on a morning? Or maybe not. I hope I will be.

I don’t think I’ll be a vegetarian though. 

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