Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Grown Up Wisdom to Myself at 18!

And so here we are again.
Middle of the night, a deadline is looming and I’m writing another blog post again because I mull things over at night rather a lot and think about dying my hair, or how much money I can survive on this month, or other times deeper things.

Whilst my house has been something of a heartbreak hotel this last semester, the dynamics have changed immensely in part due to that, but in other ways due to one of our housemates leaving, and another becoming pregnant – congratulations on the bean Deb and Dec now I can actually talk about it since everyone knows! (The‘when things change’ post was about the bean J) Anyway, for so long I’ve been scared of growing up, and being truly responsible, but I’m beginning to think that might actually be not so scary after hearing about everybody else making plans too. I’m not far away from passing my driving test, graduating, becoming a teacher and earning a salary in a real job. And I’m quite excited about that now! Its taken so long to dawn on me that just because I’ll be a teacher doesn’t mean that’s the end of my fun, at least after the PGCE. Growing up doesn't mean I can't still be young at heart :)

 I love my housemates so so SO much and despite knowing them for 3 whole years I feel that we’ve learnt more about each other in the last 3 months than ever before. We’ve had an amazing rollercoaster of craziness happen to us, with the best nights of my life, a hurricane of feline behaviour, immense pressure from deadlines and in other ways too, and I really know I can’t ever lose touch with them because whilst my friends from home are amazing, my uni friends will definitely be lifelong friends too. I’ve also started talking more to some of my close friends from first year and realised just how much we’ve all changed, and for the good. 

We have grown up so much and there are so many things I wish I could have told our Fresher selves:
·         Seize every opportunity you’re given – sing at Karaoke, or run for President.
·         Lighten up! You’re too serious!
·         You will end up more straight than lesbian – who’d have thought it!! Or vice versa in other cases!
·         The canteen is, and will always be, shit. The portion sizes, the opening times. Yeah, that won’t improve. Most of the time, all you can buy is Mars Bars and Relentless at double the RRP of anywhere else.
·         Get a nose piercing, you’ll want one by third year and then it’ll be too late because you’ll have to take it out to apply for jobs!
·         Trinity is like Emmerdale – a tiny island of inbreds where everyone knows your business, and most of it is passed around incorrectly! Pinch of salt, every time!
·         You’ll cry over a bacon sandwich, and sing about chicken.
·         Finding a free computer in the 24 hour IT lab is a bit like knowing you’ve got lucky but having a suspicion it might have Chlamydia.
·         There will come a day when Arrow will let you down. Hereafter, Amber will begin an affair with your ‘Recently Dialled’ list. You may have brief affairs with other firms however.
·         You can’t make everyone like you, and you certainly shouldn’t have to. Some like ‘those’ from school actually make it to uni, so just expect to encounter some complete twats!
       Misfits work amazingly in a friend group – try their favourite night out, you might actually enjoy it, despite snogging someone later likened to Jafar from Aladdin. BIT farfetched guys, but whatever!


  1. I don't usually comment on your posts Liv but I have to say this one has had me in absolute stiches!! soooo funny and unbelievably true!! :) love ya! xx

  2. I love this!

    I once read a book where people wrote letters to their 16-year-old selves, and I considered writing one myself... think I might just do it now!

  3. Only just seen this its brill :) xx 'tiny island of inbreds'
