Monday, 1 September 2014

Oi, Quirrell!

 I have a little theory. Wouldn't it be great if people were nice to each other? At work, school, home, with friends. In so many walks of life, and to so many people, there is backstabbing, maliciousness, and a lack of compassion. It is so unnecessary.

I hear things about people all the time. Whether they're true or not, is none of my business. If I really was concerned about the person being talked about, I'd go and ask them if they were ok, did they want to talk etc. but only if I knew them well enough. And if I didn't know them well enough to have that conversation, then I don't believe that I should have the right to put that person down in public, yet behind their back. It baffles me that people can reach adulthood and not understand basic principles of common decency. It is not hard to be nice.

It depends what the topic of conversation is regarding that other person's life, but often, that individual needs good friends. People who are going to be there no matter what, to help them through whatever has been thrown their way. Maybe they made a mistake, but have you? Maybe they said something they shouldn't, but have you? Maybe they got dumped, or fired, or missed church 3 weeks running, threw up in a plant pot, or put on pills, but have you ever done any of those things? Or things like them? What if you did in the future? Who would be there for you, and what is their incentive to be there? What do you do to benefit others? Do you understand the whole picture, or do you run with a half baked story at the expense of others?

People will always talk, about whoever, about whatever. But it makes me so angry that more people will talk about that person than to that person, or give them the help they might be needing.

Respect, decency, compassion, love and care. We teach children about these things. But many adults still don't understand what actually practicing and embodying these things entails. We all need reminding to take a step back and look at ourselves from time to time, myself included.

The selfish thing to do is bring attention on yourself by spreading the gossip to look popular. The selfless thing to do is to discreetly help that person by going directly to that person and supporting them, or actually, just being nice. You don't even have to say anything to them, or anyone else at all.

Two faces didn't work out so well for Voldemort either.