Today. Is it today? I’ve come to a realisation of a few
things. Truth be told I feel on the cusp of being old and young. (Cos Liv hasn’t
blogged about THAT before…) But seriously this time I’ve thought of actually
why – a bit. More..?
Old because I’m no teenager, young because I’m far from
being seen as ‘established’ as an adult. Established adults seem to have their shit together.
In the staffroom at school I feel so young and so naïve, and
so overwhelmed at talking to any other teacher that I wonder if I’m in the
right place at all. They seem so busy, bustling around from lesson to lesson,
discussing things I have no idea about, and laughing at things I don’t
understand, vaguely aware of my existence over their cups of tea and custard
creams someone brought in I haven’t met yet. And they all look 50 and bring
their own sandwiches, sometimes hummous. That makes me want hummous. The spicy ones are my personal favourites.
I still feel like one of the kids, but teaching is a pipe
dream I’ve had for a while now. I just want my life to cohesively just - work
as a unit, rather than be stuck in a strange place between study and work,
waiting for lots of things, for my career to slot into place, discovering who I
am and where I fit in to the whole thing along the way.
I also want to be liked, as in some silly way I feel this
verifies me as a person which I know many people will find ridiculous, but not
me, because I live in my head all the time. I have no idea why I’m so preoccupied
with being liked because I know I’m liked, loved even by people that matter. Its not something I spend my whole life worrying about by any means, I just want to get things right with people. That
makes me sound a bit pathetic, but I don’t really care because I think everyone
secretly feels this way, just we all hate talking about it. Its hardly a conversation you have at the bus stop is it?
I go out at the weekend but also get my work done and that
makes me a well-rounded individual right? A little fucked up perhaps but who
isn’t? Not fucked up in a bad way, I mean just a bit imperfect. I’ll also (when the time is right) find a man who can appreciate all my
subtleties, dispel my fears and protect me from all the hurt I could imagine. I
like this general plan. I might have to cook the odd tea for him though, and
suffer his annoying little ways, but he will be like my car – rough round the
edges, smells interesting sometimes, yet is reliable, adorable and
understanding of the things I get wrong. That sounds great to me!
So this is what was floating around my head over the last 5
hours, although most of it I deleted.