Do you think the last person who said they loved you meant
Given that it was my Dad, I bloody hope so!!
Would you date an 18 year old at the stage you are now?
No, only my age or above now. Most of them are too immature.
Would you ever smile at a stranger?
Yeah! Why not makes their day a little happier J
Is anyone mad at you for talking to the one you’re dating?
Not dating anyone really so nope
Have you heard a song that reminds you of anyone today?
Yeah, Wreckin Bar and If You Wanna by The Vaccines, reminds
me of mine and Emily’s nights out. Good times, good memories!!!
What exactly are you wearing right now?
(For Rosie and Emily) OMG me tooo!! I’ve got my knickers on,
my bra, some tights AND my blue dress with flowers on it!!
How often do you listen to music?
Do you wear jeans or sweatpants more?
Rarely wear jeans, only for work really. Never wear
Have you ever kissed someone whose name begins with a B?
What about S?
Can you drive a stick shift?
After being assured by Rosie that this is not a pornographic
reference (Americans…) but in fact a manual car, yes I can drive a stick shift.
Do you care if people talk badly about you?
Who honestly doesn’t? But someone will always do it anyway,
may as well get on with life! No one can please everyone.
When was the last time you cried?
A couple of months back
Have you ever told someone you loved them?
Yeah. I also tell my friends when drunk, apparently did the
rounds on grad night. Better than being a sad or angry drunk I suppose!
Would you ever change your eye colour?
No, I used to really want green eyes, and have often wished
my eyes were slightly lighter because I look stoned a lot of the time apparently!
Haha! But no, I think I’d find it weird to change after 21 years.
Is there a boy you would do absolutely anything for?
No, except for my Dad – legend!
Name something you dislike about the day you’re having.
AS4 at Trinity – aka death sauna, apart from that its been
Is it cute when a guy kisses you on the forehead?
Aw gee :*)
Are you dating the last person you talked to?
Emily? Does marriage on the book of Faces count?
What are you sitting on?
A garden chair – soaking some sun J
Does anyone apart from family tell you they love you
No, apart from when I come out with the usual
ridiculous shite
Have you ever wanted someone you can’t have?
Long time ago
Who was the last person you spoke to before going to bed
last night?
Josh, about how soaked his jumper was after Emily’s get your
own back style showerhead supersoaking extravaganza! Was a bit funny though!
Do you get a lot of colds?
I seem to save them up till September then have them all at
Where is the shirt you’re wearing from?
It’s a dress, from New Look
Does anyone hate you?
Most probably but personally I think its too much effort to
hate someone, it means thinking about them more often!
Do you have any empty alcohol bottles hidden in your room?
No, wouldn’t hide them if I did
Do you like watching scary movies?
Yes and no. Only if the scary thing gets its arse kicked,
then it can’t come get me in the night. Because obviously, of all the thousands
of people that see the film, it would definitely be me that got murdered.
Definitely, because it knows I know…
Do you want your tongue pierced?
If you had to delete one year of your life completely what
would it be?
14 years old, but there are some things I’d want to keep.
Did you have a dream last night?
Don’t remember one
When was the last time you told someone you loved them?
Thursday night, to my Grandma after she made tea
Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years?
I don’t plan to, these things just happen eventually. Could
happily go another 10 years and I wouldn’t be that fussed.
Do you think someone has feelings for you?
Not that I’m greatly aware of
Do you think someone is thinking of you right now?
Obviously because I’m Liv Thornton. Probs not.
Did you have a good day yesterday?
Yeah was good! Started the subject booster course at uni, met
some lovely new people, then went to Leeds and dyed my hair bright orange, had
a lovely tea cooked by Will and Em, then had some evening banter before bed.
Good times!
2 months ago, were you in a relationship?
In the next 48 hours will you hang out with a guy?
Yeah, I live with one
Has anyone told you they never want to lose you?
Not really
Do you have any pictures on Facebook?
Plenty, many of them embarrassing, though I’m past caring
Do you replay things that have happened in your head?
Too much sometimes, but I think most people are guilty of
the same crime
Were you single over the last summer?
Do you ever pass notes at school?
Yep, just yesters in fact
Is your life anything like it was two years ago?
Very very different, I’ve grown up a lot! Graduated, met soo
many amazing new people, and about to start teaching!
What are you supposed to be doing right now?
Answering GCSE questions on Islam! Mayyyybe later ;)
Do you hate the last guy you had a conversation with?
No he’s dead lovely
Are you nice to everyone?
I’d never make anyone feel like crap on purpose, its low
Do you think you could last in a relationship for 6 months
and not cheat?
Tried and tested. I couldn’t do that to someone.
Are you good at hiding your feelings?
No, I totally wear my heart on my sleeve
Do you think you like someone?
Not especially
Have you kissed someone whose name begins with a T?
Yep a few
Do you prefer to be friends with girls or boys?
A healthy balance of both is best
Have anyone of your friends ever seen you cry?
Currently trying to think of ones that haven’t! How
How’s your heart?
Ticking away nicely thanks!
Is there something in your past you hate talking about?
Not really, things I’d rather avoid, but life’s always gonna
be crap sometimes, it’s the good things that make the bad worth dealing with J
Have you ever cried over a guy
Yeah, find me a (straight) girl that hasn’t
Are your toenails painted pink?
No, I prefer red
Will your next kiss be a mistake?
I don’t know yet do I?
Have your pants ever fallen down in public?
No, but my skirt has blown up, Marilyn made it look amazing,
I looked like an utter imbecile with my Kermit knickers on..
Who was the last person you were on the phone with?
Sophie my beautiful sister!
How do you look right now?
Ginger, and smokinnnnn. No but I do look ginger, and probs a
bit greasy from the sun – so attractive!!
Do you have someone you can be your complete self around?
Can you commit to one person?
Yes, but I’m not bothered about that at the moment
Do you have someone of the opposite sex you can tell
everything to?
Yeah, Josh is like my bro!
Are relationships ever worth it?
Currently wanting to see anyone?
Ness, Tanya, and Sophie
Name something you have to do tomorrow?
Go see Batman!
Last person you cried in front of?
Probably Rosie and Emily
Is there someone you will never forget?
Yeah, many people close to me
What would you be doing if your favourite person was with
Probs enjoying a nice chilled Kopparberg in the sun whilst
having a nice catch up
Are you over your past?
I’m thinking yes J
Have you ever liked one of your friends of the opposite sex?
The last person you kissed turns up at your door at 3am,
what do you do?
Shut the door and enjoy a nice sleep
Have you ever liked someone your friends hated?
Will you be in a relationship within 2 months?
Doubt it, not looking
Do you know anyone called Michael?
Uncle Mickey, and a few others
Have you ever kissed a Matthew?
Were you in a relationship in January? How was it going?
Yes, I had a relationship with Ben & Jerry’s. We’re still
together, a match made in heaven.
Who were the last 6 people to text you?
Tanya, Tom, Ness, Mum and Emily
Have you ever kissed someone older than you?
Who’s in your profile picture with you?
Ever kissed under fireworks?
Nope but that does sound pretty cool